Tuesday, February 9, 2010

petua hilangkan ALL-DAY-SICKNESS


soo many words of mouth yang i dengar since my pregnancy, ada yang kata morning sickness hilang after 1st trimester, ade jugak yang kata sampai 2nd trimester and also all the way till the labor..mak aihh..ni yang lagi lemah longlai dibuatnyer..baru 3 minggu kena morning sickness pun i dah x larat, cam mane laa kalau nak kena bertahan until the 9th month???

dah pulak tu, namanye jer MORNING SICKNESS, but it's is actually ALL-DAY-SICKNESS..for those yang belum pernah pregnant u should really dont trust the term!!tipu!!

tapi nak wat cam mane kan, kalau dah born to be a female, one day kena lalui jugak mende2 ni..disebabkan i sedang lalui dugaan yang sangat hebat ni, maka dengan suka citanye, saya telah mencari petua2 untuk bantu diri sendiri and u ols **bila tiba waktunye nanti** hilangkan morning sickness a.k.a loya2..

petua A :
Ambil segenggam daun kari. kisar menjadi jus. campur dengan limau nipis & 1 sudu teh gula. drink this every morning.

petua B :
Rendam seinci halia, sebatang serai, 2 kuntum bunga cengkih, kulit kayu manis dan sebiji gula batu dalam segelas air mendidih. tutup & biarkan semalaman. amalkan minum ni waktu pagi dan malam.

ooo my GOD..i dont think i can do these 2..bab2 minum2 cam ni i memang lemah betul!!I surrender...kalau bagi pil, 30 biji sekali telan pun no problemo..haiyaakkk!!kalau i berjaya buat these, definitely i pergi bagi tahu kejayaan i tu kat Buletin Utama TV3..**sigh**

petua C :
Press firm but gently by using 2 fingers on your belly button for a minute will stop the nausea..oh, really??i'll definitely try this!!

petua D :
Selalu bawak lemon or something with sour smell along wherever u go and sniff them, bila rasa loya..this sounds cool..x payah minum2..=)
**you will alway be in my handbag soon**

petua E :
Makan chicken noodle soup. even when not hungry after few hours of meal, eat cracker or piece of bread untuk elakkan lapar because hungry will lead to both nausea and the pregnancy headaches.think this might work for me too..last week i masak sup sayur and i berjaya makan agak banyak compared to the other days..and yes.i asyek lapar je lately, even after meal..nampaknye need to stock more biscuits and bread laa in the kitchen after this..

this looks yummy!!!

ok, enough for today..let's try these (petua C, D & E) first..dont think i can do petua A & B tu..unless damn desperate!!huhu..kalau x berjaya, kita cari cara lain pulak nanti ye..but please..do wish me luck!!!



Princess Ayang said...

psl petua D 2, aku xtaw lak berkesan ntk org pregnant.. tp aku sgt ske letak hirisan lemon dlm air kosong.. sedap!!!

Dina Zakaria said...

tapi dah x jadi air kosong ler kalo camtu..
air lemon ler jadinyer rite??

Payad said...

good luck!hehe