Monday, February 1, 2010

My hearts belong to you!!


it's already the 6th week of my pregnancy..and at this week, the baby's first heart beat had begun!!wah..bestnye, bestnye!!!baby punye jantung berdegup, i plak rasa berdebar nih..hehhee..

minggu ke-6 ni supposedly the embryo's size is 1/17 inch..too small to be measured la..
kena tengok ngan kanta pembesar cam ni baru ley nampak kot..huhu

tali pusat pun dah sepatutnya terbentuk as well as it's eyes, ears and opening of the mouth...hope mata x sepet cam daddy yek!!nanti gelak cam x de mata..ekkekekeke..hubby jangan marah ye!

Maternal changes:

hukhuk..damn tiring..asyek berulang ke toilet ajoo..kalau previous week pergi toilet sebab asyek nak pee plus another one..uwekkk..uwekkk plak..

ya Allah, kuatkan semangat hamba-Mu ini..semoga sume ni cepat2 berlalu..

kalau ada sesape yang ada tips nak hilangkan rasa mual & loya ni, hope can share with me ye..coz i dont feel like eating too much asam laa..shian my baby nanti...mummy makan banyak sangat asam, takut baby jadi masam pulak nanti..hehe..ade ke camtu??

for those mommies yang at the same stage with me, please be extre careful k!!
NO HIGHHEELS!!! NO ALCOHOL!! NO DRUGS!! NO TREATMENTS!! (perms, hair colouring, manicure etc)

because baby at this stage is super duper sensitive..beware k mommies..semalam i dah kena sound with my aunties. dorang x bagi i pakai 2" heels, kalau nak pakai heels jugak, pakai 5"!!kurang asem tol dorang ni..huhu..that's why i'm reminding myself also actually..;-P

Tips for my hubby & other dad-to-be (kalau ada laa) :

certain smells can make mom queasy & sett off a wave of morning, make sure these things are kept away from your wifey ya!!

encourage mommies to eat healthy diet-high in protein & carbs..and it is soo unbelievable i'm soo into fish lately..pergi rumah my aunt semalam, i x sentuh chicken langsung but fishes..hurmm..hope it will be beneficial for my baby!!

ringan2 kan tulang to help the wifey with household chores ye..helping the mummy is = to helping your baby as well tau!! this part, i memang x risau laa..coz my hubby memang rajin tolong i even masa x preggy pun..cayang hubby!!

nak baby comel cam ni boley???
credit to Hannah Talent for this pic..
comel kan??anak saper laa ni??



anin said...


kalau tgh morning sickness ni ..makan buah oren..epal.. ni apa yg sy amalkan ;) and it worksss

Dina Zakaria said...

dina ade jugak try minum air limau..ok jugak..hehehe

N said...

ngee makan buah manga pun okey jugak =)

Dina Zakaria said...

saya x suka mangga..but have tried the apples actually..looks like it works for me as well=)