dah jumaat..yeay!!i am very excited for tomorrow..nak jumpa bride-to-be..
tak sabar nak gosipping and sharing those tips..wakaka..
among my BFF, i'm the first one who got married. tu pasal, dorang ni kalau dekat2 nak kawen mulalah nak tanya tips2 kononnya..padahal wa takde tips pun..not even 3 years in marriage life kot..
kalau nak tips lagi baik tanya orang lama2 yang dah berjaya kekalkan perkahwinan sampai 30-40 tahun..
tapi, setakat nak share pengalaman i boleh laa kot..=P
and last 2 days i got a good news from my supervisor..kami berjaya dapat research grantt from John Hopkins University yang i dok sibuk2 prepare early this year..worth USD 140 000 per year..alhamdulillah...syukur tak terhingga pada Allah..banyak berita gembira minggu ni..and i'm kind of excited to activate the project. doakan semua urusan berkaitan the research project and my phD journey akan dipermudahkan Allah S.W.T ye..
to my supervisor, Dr. Kulan from UPM and my co-supervisor, Dr. Abdul Ghafoor from John Hopkins University(JHU) :
Thanks for giving me this opportunity..Tunjuk ajarku sifu!
Tahniah krn bjaya dptresearch tu... Ros pun antara member kawen awal.. Pastu yang duk pengalaman pun bdk2.. Ade ke ptut tnya pasal mlm ptama..haishhh.. Trukk :p
congrats Dina ^___^ all the best okay!!
tahniah!!blanja la makan..hahaha;p
wowww! patotla bawak bubor kacang..ngeh2....
huuuu..jeles~ tahniah!!!!
All the best Dina..
tahniah dina..gud luck in yr research...bole dh ni nk open table...kikiki
thanks all..
intan : boleh2..open table, kita baca jurnal ramai2..hahaha
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