Monday, January 25, 2010

gOoD LuCk HuBbY!!

My hubby is going for an interview in Samsung, Seremban today..

sebenarnya my hubby baru jugak join current company ni..starting on October 2009.before that, he's been working in Sunway Hotel for 3 first, we thought tempat kerja sekarang ni much more easier for both of us sebab nearer compared to Sunway..and the offer pun better..walaupun x banyak sangat bezanya.. actually kalau tengok history, quite strong jugak company ni walaupun not as strong as Sunway coz this fully-Bumiputera company adalah sebuah syarikat berhad yang dah operate more than 10 years..

but then, bila dah masuk, baru tau the true colours of the do they expect their employees to perform well and be generous to them kalau gaji pun asyek masuk lambat kan??kalo masuk lambat 2,3 ari x pe kalau dah sampai dekat 2 minggu delay???apo kono eh jang??seb baik hubby i ade isteri yang rajin bekerja cam i..huhu

so, that's why my hubby was plannning to cabut..hehe..hope this will be a better place for him..CHAIYOKKK hubby!!
:kiss:Ya, Allah..murahkan lah rezeki kami sekeluarga..amin...