suddenly terfikir nak buat sikit kenduri kesyukuran & doa selamat sempena "anugerah" yang i dapat ni...dengan harapan DIA akan mempermudahkan segalanya untuk i n my baby..
just a small feast for family and friends..
maybe boleh mintak ayah su bacakan doa selamat sikit ke..lagipun, sejak we ols masuk rumah baru ni pun belum buat ape2 kenduri except for ajak few friends for dinner at our place.. now, i was thinking should i cook by myself macam ler ko pandai sangat masak dina oiiii or just find a caterer???pun x tentu lagi sedap nyerr..or should i asked my MIL to cook for the event..hurm..yang ni konfem sedap punyer!!hehhe..kalau nak masak, masak ape ye??
option yang i boleh fikirkan untuk sekarang ni :
-nasi ayam
-nasi beriani
-mee/bihun soto i loovveee soups!!
kalo wat bbq sesuai x??huhu
as for my guest list, rasanya invite family and closest friends je kot..bajet pun x banyak sangat ni..hehehe..kalau tiba2 boss i baik n bagi bonus bulan ni, i ajak 1 Malaysia k...bluwekkk!!cam ler bonus 13 bulan.=P
proposed date is on 20th February since every weekends starting from this weekend till the 20th was occupied..
anybody, have experience holding any feast???share laa ngan i..first time ni nak hold feast kat rumah sendiri..before this i jadi "tukang penyibuk" jer..
just a small feast for family and friends..
maybe boleh mintak ayah su bacakan doa selamat sikit ke..lagipun, sejak we ols masuk rumah baru ni pun belum buat ape2 kenduri except for ajak few friends for dinner at our place.. now, i was thinking should i cook by myself macam ler ko pandai sangat masak dina oiiii or just find a caterer???pun x tentu lagi sedap nyerr..or should i asked my MIL to cook for the event..hurm..yang ni konfem sedap punyer!!hehhe..kalau nak masak, masak ape ye??
option yang i boleh fikirkan untuk sekarang ni :
-nasi ayam
-nasi beriani
-mee/bihun soto i loovveee soups!!
kalo wat bbq sesuai x??huhu
as for my guest list, rasanya invite family and closest friends je kot..bajet pun x banyak sangat ni..hehehe..kalau tiba2 boss i baik n bagi bonus bulan ni, i ajak 1 Malaysia k...bluwekkk!!cam ler bonus 13 bulan.=P
proposed date is on 20th February since every weekends starting from this weekend till the 20th was occupied..
anybody, have experience holding any feast???share laa ngan i..first time ni nak hold feast kat rumah sendiri..before this i jadi "tukang penyibuk" jer..
asyek fikir pasal makan je lately...
baguslah ada niat nak buat kenduri kecil2lan
hehhe..itulaa..niat dah ade, tinggal pelaksanaan je ni..harap sumer berjalan lancar nanti..=)
dear, klo nk masak sendri make sure ade assistant.. xkan mommy to be nk buat sume.. nasi ayam n soto ok gak la klo nk wat sendiri.. aku bleh tolong..hehehehe
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