i am super excited knowing that Nuffnang is holding this Precious Moments with Trudy and Teddy contest. Being a big fan of this Malaysia's brand , i will not miss this opportunity to win up to RM 500 worth Trudy and Teddy voucher. (even i've started daydreaming of which T&T piece that i'm gonna buy for my little captain as soon as i read the e-mail from nuffnang) ^__^
Pertama kali I stumble upon this brand adalah kat Parkson when i was looking for Rafique's outfit to be worn during my cousin's wedding.. sekali pandang dia punye collection, terus jatuh cinta pandang pertama!! the english-look designs are so exclusive and rare..susah nak jumpa these kind of designs dengan harga yang affordable..ditambah lagi dengan warna yang natural, sangat sesuai untuk dipakai ke majlis formal kan..
AND BECAUSE OF THAT T&T ROMPERS, Rafique was appointed secara bidan terjun as the ring bearer during my cousin's solemnization ceremony tuhhh!! my auntie cakap Rafique handsome sangat.. (hoi..terus kembang hidung i and hubby secara berjemaah).over-shadow mak dia ok..dia umur 10 bulan kot masa tu..unluckily, i tak jumpa mana pergi gambar on that glamorous day..eccehhhh...rasa macam dah upload kat blog, tapi takde pulak..ni update blog, curi masa kat office..hikhik..kalau kat rumah, Rafique nak tolong taip entry pulak. =P
tengok collection boy pun i dah rambang mata, kalau i dapat baby gegirl mesti i lagi rambang mata sampai termimpi2 kot..can imagine kalau "adik Rafique" pakai dresses and headband from T&T yang comel2, mesti vogie the vast!auwww!!i very like..kalau nak cari putfits for special occasion, wajib head to the latest T&T counters, mesti tak akan mengecewakan.
dan ini...budak yang kepenatan lepas kena casting untuk jadi model kat The Gardens..i rasa modelling agency agent tu cakap Rafique have modelling talent pun sebab Rafique nampak handsome pakai T&T shirts and loafers kot..biased eh..huhu..
hurm..Trudy&Teddy tak nak amek Rafique jadi model ke?? =P
hope adalah rezeki Rafique with this contest. kalau menang, boleh lah add more Trudy & Teddy collection into Rafique's wardrobe..so, to Nuffnangers with Gliteratti status, cepat lah join contest ni..
good luck!
aduh.. brand mahai nih.. mak ros ade beli untuk auni ari tu.. :P hahahah.. goodluck yer rafique...
good luck dear!
all the best ;)
good luck!!!came from the same contest!!
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