Wednesday, June 20, 2012

sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit

this entry is dedicated to my friend Sofieatul Ain and Ros yang tanya i pasal CDing my little captain..sorry Ain for the late feedback..and Ros, here's the details..

i pun tak tahu mana nak mula ni sebenarnya, since there's a lot to share when it comes to CD..i've wrote about type of cloth diapers here. dari banyak2 jenis tu, i pun bukannya guna semua. current favourite is Grovia AIO. seriously best! the materials, its trim cutting, nampak elok jer terletak kat bontot rafique. i dah ada 7 pcs in Rafique's collection. hehe..

all of these except yang warna pink ni.. and know what, Rafique mesti buat projek besar punyer kalau pakai grovia!selesa sangat with the organic cotton melekat kat bontot agaknya..hehehe.. they look very slim and trim in jeans..say byebye to bulky looking montot!=D i bought these grovia from mamapanda store. you can find Ana (the owner) through FB mamapanda as well as her website. go check it out for the best price! i baru jer borong the new prints. very happy with the price, non-compared to other website. design wise juga adalah sangat comel. Rafique's favourite is bird, plane and bicycle. pandai request dah tau nak pakai CD mana skrg ni.. 

to be honest, i guna US brand cloth diapers ni mostly kat rumah and masa my eye therapy..dan juga i lebih confident menguruskan dengan tangan sendiri saje..terus bilas after chenging time. kalau bawak pergi rumah BS kan bilas every two days. memandangkan harga agak boleh tahan, maka extra caution while handling them lah..hehe..other brands of AIO yang ada dalam collection are Itti Bitti and Simplex. Itti Bitti is super gebu while Simplex is super quick drying between these AIO. sebab apa saya paling suka AIO these days??? sebab AIO paling senang diurus. no stuffing of inserts. no snapping of soaker. ABSOLUTELY HASSLE FREE.

for travelling purpose, be it short and long distance, i still opt for hybrid diapering system. i pernah share my experience to cloth diapering Rafique during our trip to Tioman last year. if u have missed the entry, jemput baca kat sini.  for hybrid diapering, i paling suka flip. sangat nipis. sangat cepat kering. nak cuci pun senang. dan paling best Flip inserts. very absorbance. best!! kalau ada baby lagi in future, i definitely will ad more flip to my baby's CD collection. satu je setback for flip ni, takde corak2..semua plain colour..

8 months old Rafique in his zinnia flip during our trip to Tioman.

these are the selection of Flip for you to choose from. mirror, butternut and dazzle is very eye catching to me. ada sape2 sudi belanja Rafique?? the way, flip pun ada disposable inserts like grovia. sangat sesuai lah untuk travel. much cheaper and greener option compared to the usual disposable diaper sebab it is 70-80% biodegradable. other brand yang i pernah guna untuk jenis ni adalah weehuggers. from these 2 brands, flip is more economical, cepat kering, trim, ringan dan yang paling penting untuk travelling dengan pengangkutan awam (be it bus or flight or train), it help u to save space in your luggage. weehuggers menang from its cute prints and leg gusset. i don't know others but for my little captain, leg gusset means almost nothing. CDs without leak gussets work as much as weehuggers do. no issue.

untuk penggunaan di rumah babysitter, i prefer bagi pocket. ada banyak sebab disini. first is price. i tak pernah beli US brands of pocket diaper sebab i rasa china brands work as good too!! material wise, non compare lah.. but so far guna few of them, Rafique ok je..takde ruam or any issue pun. kalau nak organic cotton or high quality material, then u all boleh lah try bamboolite, bum geniuses etc etc. second factor adalah your baby's wetting ability. Rafique was a very light wetter when he was fully breastfed. i dah pesan siap2 kat babysitter dia to change his CD every 3 hours. end up, masa nak bilas all those CDs looks almost dry. but then, bila dia dah start mix-feeding and now he's fully on FM kat rumah babysitter,  he turn to be a heavy wetter. sampai satu tahap, he need to be changed every hour! itupun CD memang basah lencun! jadi, sebab tak nak susahkan his babysitter to change him every hour and i pulak nak kena bekalkan sampai 10 CDs everyday, i stuffed in 2 inserts in every pocket CD. alhamdulillah, no more complaint. =) 

the third factor adalah dari segi penjagaan. i prefer guna pocket diaper saje  (which cost me less than rm25/pc) kat rumah babysitter sebab kami buat CD laundry every 3 days. sometimes 4 hari. its all depends on our kehidupan pada waktu dan ketika itu ;) most of the time i akan terus bilas CD yang digunakan dirumah as soon after changing time. while CD from babysitter's house adalah tanggungjawab hubby. sharing is caring kan?? jadi hubby pulak adalah spesies yg suka lambak CDs banyak2, and bilas all of them at one shot on the CD laundry day. jadi, sebab itulah i prefer kasi CD yang murah jer kat rumah babysitter. sayang ohh nak biarkan CD mahal2 berkepam sampai 3 hari!! please jangan ikut sikap tak berapa bagus ni ye..the best way adalah bilas straightway after use ataupun everyday. kalau dibiarkan berkepam, ada risiko poopoo susah nak hilang. this is another reason why i tak biarkan benda tu berlaku kepada CD yang harganya tidak murah. hehe..this sounds seperti i menganaktirikan those China brands CDs kan? tapi itulah hakikatnya. kalau beli murah, cepat rosak pun tak sakit hati sangat. wakakkaa.. however, those Happy Flute CDs yang i beli dari kak izzah lovekiddos masih berfungsi dengan baik dan telah berjasa kepada Rafique for more than 1 year i think..and i believe they will last at least for another 1-2 years. 

weh..i just realized panjang gila entry ni...sorry if i make you feel bored. let me sum up in point form.

1. my favourite AIO - Grovia
2. my favourite A12/hybrid diaper - Flip
3. my favourite pocket CD - Happy Flute.
4. i prefer button over snap.
5. how to start cloth diapering with low budget?  
6. tips on cloth diapering at babysitter's or nursery

as for the question on how many CDs Rafique have? i takmo sebut sebab i akan rasa berdosa dengan darjah pembaziran can last for 6-7 days cycle! toksah lah amek kira faktor tu..i've been cloth diapering addicted mom since last year. untuk korang yang baru nak mula, just build the stash slowly. here's my early stash just for the sake of sharing..sikit sikit, lama lama jadi bukit. that's all for today..

happy cloth diapering.


Rosmawani♥ said...

Tq kak dina.. Good detail.. Ros bru start beli kat auni 5keping berlainan jenama.. Dah mcm addicted pun ada dgn corak..fuhhh... Ekekkeek

izzahazfar said...

dina : berapa ehh harga grovia?akak pun baru beli 4 print yang latest tu...:)

cer msg kat akak..emailpun takpe

wardah @ fie shah said...

Tak sempat nak pakaikan kakal CD. Next baby lah :)

Anonymous said...

happy bila jumpa cloth-diapering momma on blog! dapat tambah pengetahuan :)

triple H...=D said...

first time tergerak hati nk try cd pd my son lps bace kisah u men-cd-kan dah about 3 months plus fully cd...happy sgt2...thanx...

Ainul Mustafa said...

arreessa hanya ada cd lunatots tu je.tak pernah beli dh.cukup la dh ada 2o helai.taknak tambah sbb focus utk jimat.walaupun dlm hati teringat nk tambah lg.lg skrg mcm2 design yg tahan nafsu.good luck deena

Dina Zakaria said...

ros : good luck!

kak zah : rm65/pc

fie : kakal dh diaperless ey? wow!!clever boy..

mamaandtots : hi!glad to hear that..

triple H: yay!! good luck in your journey..

ainul : first mmg pikir sbb addicted!

izzahazfar said...

deena if cover je. mahal juga tu sbb akak dapat lg murah :p

kalau nak lagi bgtau ehh..hehehe