happy 8th month birthday to my darling son..
its been an enjoyable 8 months for me..and there more months ahead..
sangat enjoy watching his development and achievement!!
next entry will update on his current achievements..
this is what we call "noty noty faces"
by the way, Rafique tengah x sihat skrg ni..demam sejak malam semalam..aktif tetap aktif..tapi x boleh tengok ibu dia xde, terus eyyyy eyyyy eyyyyy <<< bunyik nanges xde air mata a.k.a merengek mengada..
one more thing, Rafique ada join satu contest about cloth diapering kat FB..nak mintak tolong auntie uncle yang cantik dan hensem bergaya tolong vote for Rafique boleh??hihihi..
senang jer...
first, like Kidzs Store
second like gambar rafique posing ditepian pantai..
that's it!!
thanks in advance for those yang sudi..
ensem betol budak nie tau.. memang notty face hikhikhik
YUP! really enjoy kan.... how time flies kan dear~
dah lain sikit dah muka rafique...dah makin macho lah...huk..huk.. :)
will do dear~ i'll support u..kih..kih..
sekejap jer masa berlalu kan...makin handsome dia...
geram betol tgk rafique zaquan!!
camne nak join contest ni?
jue : bukan setakat notty face aje..perangai pun dah macam2 ni..
khalilah & lyn : thanks..
kak azie : geram jer tak jadi, tolong jaga r time ibu ngan ayah dia gi tengok Nur Kasih..hahahha
HZ Baby Village : klik jer link first tu..nanti ada pasal contest tu..=)
makin encem la aunty tgk.muah!
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