some updates on Rafique:
currently weigh 8.5kg >> ibu dia dah x larat to carry him for more than 10 minutes..
crawls at 6 months 2 weeks old..sekarang dah lajuuuuu..
makin menjadi2 manjanye >> asal nampak i hulur tangan..mana i pergi, dia pun nak mengekor jer..orang dah pandai merangkak kan..
loves jumping a lot..he really have strong legs..
favourite bf position >> sambil meniarap atas badan i..sesak nafas tahu kena hempap ngan budak bolat ni..sampai dia tidur lena pulak tu..
putting him to sleep is verrryyyyy difficult nowadays..fuhhhh..mencabar..sometimes i need to let him bergayut for about 1 and half hour..sometimes he wants to bergayut like 'forever'..i tarik jer, dia jaga..haiyaaa...
putting clothes on him is another chapter..kalau dulu, buat laa apa nak buat pun, pakai lotion ke, minyak ke, bape lama pun dia x nanges..sekarang is tome to melasak..sebelum i sempat pakaikan lotion, all his "make-up" stuffs dah tunggang langgang keluar dari bakul..
mesti terhantuk like 3-4 kali sehari..lasak x hengat, yet manja..but he just need me to hug him for a while to keep him calm..thank god..nanges x meleret2..^_^
love to watch football..good companion to his ayah..=D
reading time is very fun for him..tapi bukan for me..he is very busy tarik2 the book from my hand..
belum tumbuh gigi and not yet seated by himself..very soon hopefully..
toys is not so interesting any more..he loves remote controls (be it TV, ASTRO or aircond), handphones, netbook, even sepit baju..as long as bukan toys..
can wave "bye-bye"..tapi looks like tengah perah something..huhuhu..
is addicted to his CD stash..as i arrange his CDs on a rack, asal lalu jer kat rak tu, he will grab one..and kalau time to change, i kena amek 2 pcs of CD..1 untuk ditukar, 1 untuk dia main..i f not, i need to berebut ngan dia that very piece of CD..the colours attract him i guess..
Favourite nursery rhymes is "Itsy Bitsy Spider"..dah pandai goyang kepala when listen to the song..=)
i thought this is going to be a short post..but when it comes to Rafique, there's always sooooo many things to talk about..
till then, bye...
yes, definitely. kalau citer pasal anak..every single thing about him tak jemu kita bercerita..
so cute, moga rafique membesar dengan sihat dan semangat.
my husband selalu doa "Rabbi Habli minas solihin" to all my sons sambil pegang ubun2 diorang. moga menjadi anak yang soleh..
hehehehe...rafique bertambah smart and handsome...
wah bestnye dia punya car seat.....nak jugak..nak jugak..hehehe tengah2 survey nih :)
salam sis..i was one of the silent readers of your blog..anyway sis,Rafique sangat comel:)..and u,i like the way u take care of your family.hehe:)
p/s:nk ikut blog akak smpai saya tua,smpai akak tutup blog ni:))
hahaha sma je cm darwisy mainan xsntuh pon..remote tv ngan astro jgk yg dimainnya..geram je time org syiok tgk tv dia off
uiyo!!! ada silent readers..
rafique suke sepit baju?harap2 suka tolong ibu dia sidai + sepit baju bile dah besar ..hihi:))
rajin rafique tolong ibu ..lalala
ida_F : thanks for sharing the dua'..
khalilah : aiyooo..muka masam pun ensyem ke??hihihi
anonymous : lorr..nape x cakap nama ke..link blog ke..ley jenguk2..
if my hubby read ur comment, he surely laugh..dia jer tau real
situation kat rumah esp on weekdays..hahahaha
kak fiza : dina dah beli remote lain khas untuk rafique main..hahaha
kak azie, intan : aminnnn...
happy 7th month young boy :) sekejap je kan dorg ni membesar. lepas tu anak2 zaman skang ni cepat bosan men toys kan?tau nak gadgets aje.high demand :p
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