Thursday, May 13, 2010

5th month antenatal check-up

current weight : 41.5 kg

my blood pressure : 90/60. sama macam last month, still low..tapi doctor cakap maybe normal for me due to my weight and my small frame..

baby's length : 16.4 cm

i was shot with my first dose of anti-tetanus..sakitnye masih terasa sampai sekarang..

overall, my baby is growing in accordance with the age..all organs had formed..tangan..kaki..jari..tulang belakang, tulang peha and also the genital organ etc!!!huhu..

masa scan semalam, the doctor did asked whether i wanted to know the baby's gender or want it to be suprised..but obviously i nak tau laa kan..selagi x tau baby's gender, en.hubby x kasik i shopping for my baby..=( so, yes we already know whether the baby is going to be a boy or girl..

anybody wanna make a guess?????



HANI IZWAN said...

i teka, a BOY! kan kan?

Princess Ayang said...

aku pon nk teka Boy..
betul x??

shuhadah Zainol said...

shu rasa GURL...;)

Dina Zakaria said...

hehehe..tibe2 rasa cam nak main surprise2 pulak!!=)

Liyana Lunia said...

nampak pistol takkk? kalau nampak mesti boy HAHAHAHAHA