semalam we went for ante-natal check up for the second time..last month we went to Klinik Kesihatan for the check-up but as usual laa kan kalau goverment clinic..have to wait for almost 4 hours, then dilayan oleh nurse yang garang..ohhh no no no..i'm a sensitive type..nak2 pulak time pregnant ni kan..asyek nak terasa jek memanjang..memang x boley tahan..pastu mula la nak meleleh je kan i mata ku ini..sob..sob..
so, this time we went to a private clinic in Equine Park..this clinic was recommended by a colleague, Kak Dayah yang sedang sarat mengandung to her 2nd boy..yes, its quite far from our place tapi i was actually searching for a clinic yang doktornye perempuan all the times..meaning that i can go anyday i like, and when i pergi the doctor MUST be a, kalau pergi klinik ni, it use the same card yang goverment clinics that, in case of any problem, i can straight away be referred to any goverment clinic without any problem..lagipun, we haven't decide about the delivery yet..kalau financial mengizinkan i was thinking about delivering in a private hospital..insyaallah..
ok. back to main story..masa mula2 pergi check-up tu, i was quite worried gak laa sebab bila timbang berat, my current weight is 39.5KG..hoh???agaknya berat 39kg tu berat i sekolah rendah dulu je kottt..masa sekolah menengah definitely above 45kg!!sebab time sekolah menengah i sememangnya glamer sebagai budak chubby!!dah ler gemok, pendek lak tuhh..huhhh..memang KEMENTOT!!!
before pregnant, atau lebih tepat lagi sejak keje i weigh around 42-44KG camtulaa.. dah agak turun laa compared to zaman sekolah menengah n kat uni..slim ler sket..ngehngehngeh...maybe sebab penat keje kottt..penatler sangat keje ko dina..=P but now memang super slim dah weh..orang lain pregnant x ley nak pakai baju lama2 sebab ketat, i plak pakai jeans wajib kena pakai belt skarang ni..hurmm...
finished about masalah abesitiku, banyak pulak lencongannya ari ni sambung citer, lepas dah timbang, masuk bilik doctor pulak..dah borak2 sikit ngan doctor, check blood pressure and hemoglobin level etc, its time to "meet" my baby!!!hoyeahhhhhh hoyeaahhhh!!!
doctor tanye i nak scan ke x??of coz ler nakkkkkk...
kat bawah ni nanti u ols tengok la yer video my baby masa scan semalam.. =) i can see it moves and also tangan, kaki, jari2, tulang belakang & jantung dia semua dah cakap the heart already start beating but yet can't feel sebab still very slow..and the doctor also said saiz dia sekarang is 5.6cm and the growth rate is normal...Thank God..i felt so relieve hearing those words..yer laa..risau jugak if my weight reduction affect the baby's growth rate kann...
anyway, the feeling of seeing her/him for the first time was like seeing a M.I.R.A.C.L.E!! OMG!!there's a living creature moving inside my tummy!!! it was soooo UNBELIEVABLE sampai membuatkan air mata seorang ibu mengalir masa tu..watching that really makes me feel like "be it girl or boy, i leave it to Allah..all i want is my baby born healthy.."owhhh..sungguh motherly feelings kan??
I'M GONNA BE A MOTHER SOON!! x caye jek..=)
bestnye ada bideo...... sgt teruja hokey! chewahhhhh mcmla xpnh scan dulu..hehe..
best kan bila tgk ank kita dlm kandungan bergerak.. fiza dulu pon sensitip gak..pantang silap cikit nurse terkasar terus nk meleleh..hahaha
syukur.. jaga diri elok2
dear.. ko g klinik kt equine ke?? dh dkt sgt ngn umah aku 2.. len kali dtg la singgah umah.. ko ade no hp aku kan?
waaaaaaaa nak jadi mummy dahhhhh.. so, nanti nak baby panggil apa? ibu? mami? mama? umi? awwwhh.. *okay sekarang mengapa aku teruja lebih dengan entri ini*
fiza : aah best sangat tengok baby gerak2..sampai meleleh laa air mata..hehe..
si tedi: thanks
amal : insyaallah dear..kalau aku x pergi time office hour aku btau kau..kalau siang mesti ko keje kan..
eireen : not sure yet..mummy kot..modern sket..kkekekke..=)
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