hi!!i'm Harraz riding my tigger..=)
cute right??macam auntie dina..hehhehe..gambar dicilok from his dad's FB.coz i haven't have the chance n>>>>of coz money laa to fly off to London to kiss this sweety..kalau ade sape2 yang sudi nak sponsor tiket for me n my hubby to London jangan segan2 inform me eh..=)
ok, back to main point..
we arrived at lcct quite early anyway,belajar dari kesilapan..x gitu hubby??hehehe..gi London bukan ley naik bas..if we missed the flight sape plak nak jawab ngn Mr & Mrs Faizal yang dah sponsor tiket flight ibu n adik tu..huhhuhu=D
so, while waiting, kitorang lepak ler kat Chocolate Lounge kat situ..itu je yang paling dekat ngan boarding gate..first time ever nehhh..before this i intai dari luar jerrr!!hehhe..maklum ler SECEBIS kek dy pun harga RM9.90++ Baik i beli kek secret recipe, at least boley laa di panggil sepotong kek, ini memang secebis, kecik giler!!nak kata best sangat pun, i think i prefer Chocolate Indulgence @ Secret Recipe compared to this..
my hubby having a drink...
alhamdulillah ibu and adik dah selamat sampai ke London..they called to inform their arrival at around 7 a.m. (Malaysia).hurm..bile la turn i plak nak sampai sane neh????????nak pergi jugakkkkkkk!!!
so, while waiting, kitorang lepak ler kat Chocolate Lounge kat situ..itu je yang paling dekat ngan boarding gate..first time ever nehhh..before this i intai dari luar jerrr!!hehhe..maklum ler SECEBIS kek dy pun harga RM9.90++ Baik i beli kek secret recipe, at least boley laa di panggil sepotong kek, ini memang secebis, kecik giler!!nak kata best sangat pun, i think i prefer Chocolate Indulgence @ Secret Recipe compared to this..
ini ler Chocolate Almond yang dimaksudkan di atas..very petite(half of a slice of secret recipe's)..
here are some of our pics while killing the time for last call for flight to London at 3.10 p.m..they were estimated to arrived at Heathrow Airport at 4 a.m (Malaysia) the next day..13 hours on the air..pe laa ibu nak wt ek??tdo je r!!!hehehe..
my hubby having a drink...
that's all folks!!!
alhamdulillah ibu and adik dah selamat sampai ke London..they called to inform their arrival at around 7 a.m. (Malaysia).hurm..bile la turn i plak nak sampai sane neh????????nak pergi jugakkkkkkk!!!
gadis ek? ekekekke
mak ngan adik lelaki tu ek?
bial turn kita ka jalan2 jauh tu!
saje je nak bg org sedar diri ey..
baru nak perasan single mingle lagi..=)
nope..adik hubby yang bongsu, perempuan..yg laki tu i punye adik..
tu laa psl..laju je i bkk komen cik tedi ni..ingat cik tedi nk sponsor tiket utk kite g london..hehehhehe
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