Thursday, December 17, 2009

bukan ke Awal Muharam national public holiday??

haih..ini boley membawa kepada marah!!!ade ke Awal Muharam cuti option???Awal Muharam bukan National Public Holiday ke???

hampehss betul lerr..iniler masalahnyer biler keje ngan company yang masyarakat Islam nyer cume secebis sajer..for your info, all of the students will be on break for whole next week due to Christmas Celebration..but still staffs have to come to work..but for tomorrow (Awal Muharam) boley plak x cuti!!!pastu alasan HR is that tomorrow is an optinal public hols and our company x amek cuti tu!!!WTH!!!

and FYI, this is not the first time this thing happen sbb masa Nuzul Quran ari tu pun kitorang x cuti!!!kurang asam jawa tol dorang ni!!pastu yang tukang menjawab esok x cuti tu plak, bukan nyer orang kafir laknatullah, orang islam jugak!!
giler xde sense tuan punyer badan itu..hummpphhh!!

tapi i telah bertekad ngan yakin dan pastinyer x mo gak datang keje esok!!! I DONT CARE!!

there's no way to leave my hubby alone at home during public holiday okkkk..cian hubby i nnt..sebenarnye cian kat i yg lebey..huhuhu=D
:smoke:this is the 3rd entry for today!!imagine how serios my protest is..all of us were boycotting actually..



zella y said...

awal muharam mmg national public holiday.. ;)

Dina Zakaria said...

tp kami x cuti ari tu..hukhuk=(

Princess Ayang said...

my dear... aku pon xcuti..
klo keje ngn company bukan local mmg slalu diorg xamek awal muharam and nuzul al quran.. kt opis aku, geng2 chinese lak yg tanye, nape xcuti??
diorg lak yg pelik..

Amazing AJ said...

sabarlah nak...hehe