Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Since monday, I realized yang kekerapan toilet visit I adalah pada kadar abnormal. I need to pee like every hour! sedangkan minum air macam biasa je kot..takde dok terlebih minum pulak..kalau dulu-dulu, frequent urination ni sebab amek caffeinated drinks laa..but recently i memang takde amek nescafe atau sedara mara dia pun. it's an instinct that made me google "something". and the findings make me feel berdebar pulak. but still its too early to conclude. tak bagitahu en.hubby lagi pun. takut dia over confident. kang dia frust. i takpe, i kuat. =P

and right now, even though I baru je gi toilet just before I started writing this entry, my bladder is full AGAIN!

ok bye.


Ainul Mustafa said...

apa lg cepat check :)

ida =) said...

Hihi... congrats! Ur captain is going to hs an assistant =)

mommy aisy said...


Nisa Dawi said...

segera check..hehe

juelee said...

hurm cepat beli kayu ajaib

Lyena Vee said...


~*Dandelicious Princess*~ said...

if it's true, ada can la nak wean off kan rafique. My son slowly wean off sebab I da x banyak susu at 1st trimester. Sian dia, terpaksa topup fm. Now he is 2 years 1m,.. completely wean off. Kadang2 minta tapi ble I cakap susu ibu da bis, dia percaya dan kasi dia fm, he enjoy it. Hope you are going to have a great news and rafique happily wean off.

MamaSyahmiAriq said...

ehem2..checkla cepat..
semoga ade gud news..