this time mahu share2 about breastfeeding benefits yang sememangnya undeniable dan telah dipercayai kebaikannye sejak turun temurun..just untuk info kepada semua ibu2, bapak2 and also sume bakal ibubapa..dan jugak sebagai peringatan untuk diri i sendiri supaya sentiasa teguh ngan pendirian and cita2 nak exclusively breastfeed my baby nanti..bukan impian tinggal harapan jer..huhuhu.. chaiyokkk dina!!!
so, below are the lists...
benefits for baby
- a perfect infant nutrition (the content "grows" in accordance with baby's growth)
- less gas, diarrhea, and constipation
- stronger immune systems
- higher IQ
- fewer allergies and less risk of asthma
- fewer incidences of diabetes and cancer
- less risk of childhood obesity
- protect babies from diarrheal infection
- less risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- better dental and facial development, and decreased likelihood of dental caries
- more digestible compared to formula
- helps to pass meconium
- increase chances to develop allergies
- cow's milk is an intestinal irritants
- enhances vaccines effectiveness
benefits for mom
- promotes bonding
- promotes uterine contractions after childbirth and reduces bleeding
- promotes weight loss
- less risk of ovarian and breast cancers
- economical
- convenient—always available, and always the right temperature
- saves time—no formula to prepare, and no bottles to wash
- clean and safe—and available when normal supplies of food and water are interrupted
- decrease insulin requirements in diabetic mothers
- prevent post-partum haemorrhage
- less sick days
semua ni bukan i sekadar cakap2 ye.. dan bukan jugak dengar dari mulut2 orang jer..but there are scientific evidences behind it.if you guys interested to know more, silalah baca disini yer...
bg akak, knp kena bf adlh sbb anak yg akak da kandung dgn pelbagai liku kena makan... dan xde makanan lain yg sesuai utk anak itu kecuali susuibu....
jadikan diri kita xde alternatif utk bg anak kita mkn... anggap formula milk xwujud, anggap kambing, lembu da pupus ;p
biler xde alternatif, mahu @ tidak, kita wajib bg susuibu sbb itu jer sumber makanan utk anak kita kan...
semoga impian itu dimakbulkan Allah, amin...
betul3..bersetuju ngn kak lia..=)
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