Tuesday, May 4, 2010

'N' for...

this time i was tagged by Mrs.Rafiqy..x sangka orang glamer sudi tag orang x glamer ini..terharu i..=) i start answering tag ni petang semalam sebenarnya, as soon as i read the tag from Atiqah's blog..tapi x sempat siap la pulekkk..so this morning baru sambung balik..hehe..

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own blog, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag five people including the person who tagged you. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real.. nothing made up! IF the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question."

What is ur name:
Nurdina Awanis bt Zakaria

A four letter word:
Name =)

A boys name:
Nuzul Rifqy Azizi (my cute little cuzzy)

A girl's name:
Nuramirah Fatini a.k.a my 'not-so-little' little sister
(yang berbaju pink in the below pic)

An occupation:

Something you'll wear:
Necktie??? used to wear laa masa sekolah dulu..

A type of food:
Nasi dagang

Something found in the bathroom:
Nail brush

A place:

A reason for being late:
Ngantuk tadi..hehe \('_')/

Something u'd shout:
Never mind!!!

Something you drink:

A musical group:
N' sync..but dulu i lagi minat Backstreet Boys..

An animal:

A type of car:
New City..(",) boleh??ekekke..

A type of fruit:

so, sekarang nak tagged:

Atiqah Adnan

Miss Pinokoo

Siti Shuhadah

Mrs. Fiza @ mama Darwisy

Lady Awin


shuhadah Zainol said...

haha..kena tag..tp, cam x berapa nk paham camner nak wat ni..hehehe.. xpe.. i try..

Atiqah Adnan said...

hai? nama i ada disitu laling..?

myQza said...

kussss semangat.

nama aku takde.

okey! nak g salin resepi traffle.. ekekekekekke

betul ke eja tu?

ha ha ha

PrinCesS PinOkoO said...

waa...name ku di tagged..xbape fhm arahan d..tp ku kan cube oke..lalala~ ^^V

Dina Zakaria said...

atiqah : kan ada arahan suruh tag orang yang tag kita kat situ..so, i tag u back ler..;-)

shuhadah & pinokoo : chaiyook!!

tedi : saje bagi chance this time..hehhe..tapi i tengah tunggu u punyer trifle ni tau..lalallala