hari ni is a very2 busy day in the office...pelbagai perkara yang sungguh memusingkan kepala especially berkaitan ngan Scientific Conference esok. the International Scientific Conference will be held from 6-8th November..we (feeza, kak ayu, kak aja, beah, kak fairus and myself) really not feeling like going to the conference since the beginning.. tapi kena paksa gak as there is no representative from our school to present...actually, we are interested to go but THE TIME was just not right..there's TOO MANY thing running in our mind at this time!!!
lepas bincang2, up and down to Dr.Lily's room we had been FORCED to go, like it or not!!Kalau ikutkan best gak dapat pegi, sbb makan minum, aacomodation and transportation adalah ditanggung beres + i can go to visit my newborn cousin + abah is going to Genting as well to send my grandmother to take care of Cik Su (yang tengah berpantang) ley laa sambil menyelam minum air..
hari ni is a very2 busy day in the office...pelbagai perkara yang sungguh memusingkan kepala especially berkaitan ngan Scientific Conference esok. the International Scientific Conference will be held from 6-8th November..we (feeza, kak ayu, kak aja, beah, kak fairus and myself) really not feeling like going to the conference since the beginning.. tapi kena paksa gak as there is no representative from our school to present...actually, we are interested to go but THE TIME was just not right..there's TOO MANY thing running in our mind at this time!!!
lepas bincang2, up and down to Dr.Lily's room we had been FORCED to go, like it or not!!Kalau ikutkan best gak dapat pegi, sbb makan minum, aacomodation and transportation adalah ditanggung beres + i can go to visit my newborn cousin + abah is going to Genting as well to send my grandmother to take care of Cik Su (yang tengah berpantang) ley laa sambil menyelam minum air..
tapi i have to be apart from my husband for 3 DAYS!!!uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...gediks giler pompuan neh.hehhe..3 ari kurasa bagai 3 tahun giteww!!!i'm gonna miss u hubby!!
conclusion : i'm going to Genting Highland tomorrow =(
happy???? NOPE!!!
why??? going with someone that i really dont want to be with..=(
conclusion : i'm going to Genting Highland tomorrow =(
happy???? NOPE!!!
why??? going with someone that i really dont want to be with..=(
then, disebabkan keterpaksaan yang melampau where the MQA audit will be conducted next tuesday, berjaya gak laa aku menghabiskan slide show for subject Machinery Safety which i never ever thought tu ari ni...seb baik ler ade notes from my master program on Mechanical and Electrical Safety... fuuuhhhh...legaaa...supposedly, i have 3 more days till sunday to complete the notes but as i have to leave for the conference tomorrow noon, terpaksa laa siapkan gak ari ni..3 lesson plak tuh>>safeguarding, boilers and elevating machine..prggghhh!!syabbas mere dost...;-D
conclusion : sesape yang amek Diploma OSH from Masterskill College adalah sama ngan dapat M.Sc. Industrial Safety from UKM...huhu
disebabkan kepeningan dengan kepelbagaian perkara yang melanda diri aku ari ni, maka lecture EHS 2613 pukul 12-2 tadi telah pun berjaya di'tutorial'kan...tu pun wat sejam je sebab de briefing pasal Scientific Conference tu...seb baik ler aku ni sangat mempunyai (setelah dipaksa oleh our boss to prepare earlier ) koleksi tutorials yang sedia digunakan pada musim2 kegawatan masa seperti hari ni...hehe
need some rest after this hectic day...
conclusion : students aku sume amatlah gembira sbb ley dismiss awal and ley balik tdo..
k to go..nak balik dah...
selamat bergenting.. he he he
sudah bergenting...
hasilnye :
sakit kaki yang amat sangat sbb aku pergi tawaf theme park pakai heels..
walaupun 1 inci, kesan dy sungguh menusuk kalbu...=(
Sebuah syarikat antarabangsa yang beroperasi di Seremban memerlukan seorang Safety and Health Officer dengan seberapa segera yang mungkin. Produk utama syarikat itu ialah TV dan monitor LCD.
Nama & Alamat syarikat:
No. PT 12692, Mukim Ampangan,
TTJ Industrial Estate,
71450 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus
Calon yang berjaya akan terlibat dengan implentasi OHSAS18001. Selain dari tugas-tugas am sebagai Safety & Health Officer, dia juga akan turut terlibat dalam berbagai program keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan seperti Behavior Based Safety dan sebagainya.
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