Wednesday, March 16, 2011

haiihhh..nak pilih botol susu dengan puting pun susah ke???

2-3 hari ni asyek dengar orang cerita tentang BPA-Free bottles jer kan..susulan pasal kerajaan nak mengharamkan botol BPA by 2012 lah..tapi i rasa ramai mummy & daddy dah mempunyai kesedaran tentang bahaya BPA ni sebelum goverment kecoh2 lagi..bila dah kecoh2 ni, teringat pulak satu entry yang i pernah tulis masa preggy dulu..saje re-publish entry ni untuk panduan mummy-to-be yang mungkin jugak blur2 katak (macam i dulu) tentang botol2 sumer ni..

enjoy reading peeps..

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entry i sekarang ni dah jadi ala2 drama bersiri laa pulak kan..asyek ade sekuel jer..betullah ilmu Allah ni luaaassss sangattt..lagi kita cari, lagi banyak kita baca, lagi banyak yang kita x tahu..hehehe..

daripada i x tahu nak bawak bottles & teats in my baby's hospital bag or not..jadik i curious tentang kebarangkalian i x boleh breastfeed my baby immediately after birth..then bila dah decide nak kena bawak jugak, survey2 feeding bottle & teats pulak..bila dok survey2 tu, jumpa pulak few terms yang sangat laah tidak familiar dimata i walaupun i ni dulu peminum susu botol sampai umur 6 tahun..*ooppss..pecah rahsia la pulak!!*

for first timer mummy-to-be dan jugak bakal2 mummy-to-be, mari kita belajar, perkara2 yang perlu diketahui bila nak pilih botol susu & puting susu untuk our baby k..tiba2 i macam realize that i'm being over concious about things related to my baby..kalo dulu, i pilih based on cantik jer kott..and kalo ada warna pink, konfem x pikir panjang dah!!xde langsung nak pikir2 merbahaya ke, ada side effect ke ape sume..hehhehe...

BPA-free bottles??

ape kemendenyer BPA-free tu??

what is so special about buying a BPA-free feeding bottle???

ok kawan2..BPA is actually stand for bisphenol A..for your info, BPA ni memang banyak digunakan in plastic industry sebagai lapisan dalam food container & cans.. This chemical can mimic our hormones & disrupt our endocrine system..some health effects due to exposure to BPA includes REDUCTION OF FETAL & INFANT BRAIN DEVELOPMENT & BEHAVIOUR..dan boleh jugak menyebabkan obesity!!tapi so far, no scientific reasearch had show evidence that BPA can lead to cancer yet..

ni salah satu jenis bottle yang BPA-free..tapi bukan semua Avent BPA-free.. so, make sure you read the label before buying ey..

another option is glass feeding bottle macam kat bawah ni..but don't worry, ni bukan edisi pecah kaca, pecah gelas punyer feeding bottle usually use material yang sama dengan kelalang etc kat lab which is highly heat resistant &, selamat laa untuk kegunaan our baby..

anti-colic bottles??

anti-colic ni for sure untuk elak baby from bloating..kalau kita yang bloating pun dah rasa x selesa, cam nak pecah perut ape, kalau perut comel baby tu yang bloating, mesti kesiankan???this type of bottle was designed to minimize the amount of air baby takes in while feeding and that's how they think this bottle dapat elakkan baby daripada dapat kembung perut..

anyhow, babycenter's survey shows that this type of bottle not necessarily work to all babies and not all babies were having this, agak remeh untuk mencuci botol jenis ni sebab ada banyak parts need to be assembled!!dah ler mahal, menyusahkan pulak..sungguh x pasti keberbaloian nyer..*ada ke word camtuh??* so, i think, i x beli botol ni dulu laa kot..kalau baby ku cayang ni ada this kind of prob, baru mummy beli yek baby...;-)

this is anti-colic bottle from MAM..see??bontot dia pun boleh cabut..tapi i macam suka bottle ni sebab warna dia yang menarik tu..hehehe

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abes cerita botol, we move on to teats pulak yer..

size 1, size 2, size 3??
standard neck??wide neck??

ok..mengikut kefahaman i, pasal puting ni pulak ada 2 types..standard neck is for the normal size while the wide neck mimics the shape of mum's, this wide neck sangat membantu laa untuk ibu2 yang nak breastfeed baby but need to go to work to avoid nipple preferences!!

as for the size, size 1 is for newborn where the flow is very slow to avoid baby from choking, size 2 is medium flow while size 3 is useful bila mummy dah confident that baby can suck accordingly with the flow of the teats..or maybe when giving cereal drinks to the baby..

credit to the blog owner..pic kat atas ni menunjukkan perbezaan antara standard teat & wide neck, kena make sure laa teats yang u ols nak beli tu ada collar yang sepadan!!

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diantara botol2 yang memang i pasti BPA-Free termasuklah MAM (Rafique is currently using this), The First Years (pernah guna before this), Avent (as i mentioned above kena tengok label sebab ada jugak bukan BPA-FREE), Tommee Tippee, Weego-glass bottle and banyak lagi..pureen, anakku pun ada yang jenis BPA-Free..yang penting u all kena lah baca dulu labelnya sebelum beli okkkkk...BPA-free bottles are made of Polypropylene labeled ad PP, bukan polycarbonate which labeled as PC..

happy shopping mummies...



Unknown said...

baru teringat wiken ni nak bel;i botol BPA kt darwisy.. sblm ni botol EBM je free BPA..huhu

e.l.i.z.@ said...

bagus bagus...k.eli meme guno botol² tu utk budok² ni..MAM & avent..MAM meme best sebab ado 3 gak time nok basuh, leceh weh..nok keno bukok bontot tu..dlm bontot tu ado getoh pulok..adoi byk kijo'e pulok hahahha depends la deena nok hop mano..better avent la, seney nok basuh ekekke

Dina Zakaria said...

~kak fiza~

semalam masa gi beli barang kat carrefour jumpa botol susu yang BPA free gak which is agak murah compared to yang banyak tengok on-line..brand PUREEN kalo x silap..hehehe..cubalaa tengok..=)

Dina Zakaria said...

~kak eli~

hahaha..dina wat conclusion sendiri je botol MAM tu leceh nak basuh sbb banyak, now terbukti laa bila kak eli sdiri dah rasa..hikhik

Dina Zakaria said...


itu x kuar lagi dah macam2 pikir..dah kuar betul2 nanti, mesti lagi macam2..or maybe sbb kita ni first timer kot..x ley nak agak ape yg akan berlaku..

Sheherazade said...

sarat info :)

setuju,lagi byk kite tahu..jadi lagi byk yg kite tak tahu

Atiqah Adnan said...

nak soping botol susu juga laa hihiii..seronok nyee nak dapat baby..
hope qah pun dapat jadi ibu tak lama lagi.. hii teruja nyee..

Mrs Nageb said...


Thanks for your info and summarize pasal botol susu nih...since i pun memang tengah survey nih.. :)

Dina Zakaria said...


sharing is caring kan??=)

Dina Zakaria said...


amiiiinn..moga2 cepat2 dapat join the club!!hehehe

Dina Zakaria said...

~mrs nageb~

u r welcome..=)

Hunny said...

adrianna baru ada 4 botol susu, 3 avent & 1 tommee tippee.luckily sume BPA free :) tapi kenapa lepas rendam ngn pigeon nye sterilising tablets tu, kaler puting tukar jadi kabur2 ek?klu cuci ngn air, dia jadi cerah balik.

Mrs Nageb said...

good2 info nih.. :)
I plak masa memule dulu series tak tahu menahu pasal BPA bagai..beli sesedap rasa je...huhu,selamat beli yang betul :)